Are you ready to have more time for yourself and get back to being creative?

Let’s do this.

You deserve time for just you, mama.

Are you tired of feeling like there’s never enough time in the day for you?

Do you end your days wondering where the time went, longing for just a moment to breathe, create, and be yourself?

If you just said ‘Yep, that’s me!’ I am so glad you are here, because I am here to help!

As a dedicated mom, you give so much to your family, often putting your own needs and passions on the back burner. But what if you could find an extra hour every day? Imagine what you could do with that time—pick up that old guitar, start a new knitting project, or simply relax and recharge

Hi, I am Nadine and I’ve been exactly where you are now.

I struggled for years with finding balance and allowing myself the time I deserved.

That’s why I created this free guide just for you: “7 Simple Steps to More Time So You Can Get Back to Being Creative.”

This guide is more than just tips—it’s a transformation...

 You Will Have:

Don’t waste another minute.

Every moment you hesitate, you’re missing out on the joy and creativity that could be enriching your life right now. As a mom who has walked the same path of overwhelm and guilt, I’ve tailored this guide from firsthand experience to help you reclaim not just your time, but your identity beyond motherhood. This isn’t just about finding extra hours; it’s about transforming how you see and value your time. With practical steps and a dive into mindset to eliminate guilt, I’m here to guide you towards a lighter, more fulfilled life where you can breathe easier and create more.

Don’t let another day slip by feeling overwhelmed and underjoyed. Download this free guide now and start making the time that’s rightfully yours. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity, and you deserve it.

Let’s make this positive change together!

What other mamas are saying...

“Thank you Nadine Medina!!! You’ve helped me refocus my mission behind fiber arts and embrace my projects more gently and intentionally.”

— alisha B.

“After listening to The Knitting Mamas podcast, I'm ready to give knitting a try again! Especially after hearing that Nadine's love for knitting only took off in the past few years. Her story gives me hope that I can relearn and then advance my knowledge and skills.”

— claire W.

“If you're a busy mama looking for simple ways to take a breath and find some calm throughout your day, check out this podcast! Nadine encourages you to let go of that mom guilt and teaches you a new skill at the same time!

I can't wait to pick up my needles and keep listening!”

— Emily h.